About Us

About Us

Randy has retired from retailing and is now focusing on design.

If you have an order with us, please cancel it and reorder from Legions IV Hire.

All CinC retail is now done via Legions IV Hire. https://www.legionsivhire.ca/index.php?

The Legions IV Hire is currently adding the remaining Pfc-CinC products and will be complete by Sept 1, 2023.

Contacting C in C:

We can be reached via email at:  legionsivhire@shaw.ca

Fax orders – Sorry, we no longer accept FAX orders.  Please scan and email if online ordering is not an option.

Our regular mail address is:

Legions IV HIre

431 Queen St Winnipeg Manitoba Canada R3J 1L3reet

We accept orders via the web-store or via mail.  For customers such as US-Govt. that are required to make payment arrangements via phone, please email us at the above address and we will provide a contact number.

About our products:

Products are shipped unassembled to prevent damage and allow our customers the ability to customize their units.

C in C products are cast in T-35 alloy which is 38% tin with the balance being lead.  It is safe to handle and you cannot get lead off with skin contact.  NY state at one point considered putting all lead based products out of use, and in testing, they showed that C in C products were safe.  The owner has used, hand cast and production cast in T-35 for over 35 years with no negative effects and C in C has not had any worker claims as well.  We stand behind the safety of our product.